Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is always the time when I realize just how blessed I am.  Even though I am very sad to be leaving my community for the summer and saying goodbye to some good friends for a long time, it's always at these times when my eyes are opened to how amazing the love is that we share.  It's mind blowing.

Last night, eight other girls and myself gathered at my friend Katy's house.  She is going to Purdue University this coming Fall and will be leaving our wonderful community.  I have no doubt that she will have such a beautiful experience at Purdue, but my heart is sad to see her go.  So we all gathered at her house, ate delicious ice cream with too many toppings, and reminisced on the past two years we have all known each other.  Katy brought up this idea of remembering.  She read to us Psalm 77:

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds."

We then went around and shared how God has worked in our lives.  We even got the opportunity to share with others how we have seen them change.  Let me tell you, it was a beautiful gathering of women.  The room was filled with such peace and acceptance.  

This morning, I gathered with my sisters.  We try and get together at least once a quarter to come together and share life, pray, and confess.  It is always such a spirit-filled time, but this morning especially.  God has been working very intently on all of us recently.  It was amazing to see my sisters being vulnerable and open in their brokenness.  I am truly blessed to have such committed and loving women in my life.  Man, God has blessed me!

As my finals week arrives and the year comes to an end, I am reminded of how present God is in my life.  Even at the times I have felt abandoned, I have always had people come up beside me and support and love on me.  Even in the times of immense sadness and grief, I have been held up by my community.  The Lord has never left my side.  He resides, not only in me, but in the people that surround me everyday.  God's light shines through the people who love on me.

What an amazing God we have.

Also, here is a song that has been stuck in my head throughout the weekend.  It's got some good words. (:  

"Live Like That" - Sidewalk Prophets

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